You is a reference to a member of staff at the school, whose details can be found when submitting a new ticket in the field "Your School email" and "Your name".

Device or IT resources is a reference to a Springwell School property, which details can be found when submitting a new ticket in the fields: "Loaning a laptop?" > "For how long?"

By ticking "I accept IT Terms & Condition's (Found in Solutions tab)and upon ticket submission, you automatically agree to follow ICT policy. You have read and understood all of the rules & guidance's in the IT Device Loan Terms & Conditions section. You understand failure to comply could lead to disciplinary action.

IT Device Loan Terms & Conditions

Springwell School is providing you with a device to assist you in your day to day work activities. You understand that all IT resources remain the sole property of Springwell School and must be returned to the IT/Network departments when you cease employment, take extended/maternity/paternity leave or selected loan time expires. Resources must be returned at the requested of the Head Teacher, IT Manager or their delegate. 


Taking care of school device


Failure to abide by these general rules will results in you being liable for full repair costs or where an insurance claim is possible, the insurance policy excess. Please note that the insurance is for loss or damage as a result of fire, lightning explosion and theft only. You may want to consider putting the item on your home contents policy to provide extra cover i.e. Accidental damage whilst the laptop is in your care.


Whilst the school device is in your possession


  • You are responsible for taking all possible steps to ensure the security of both school device and any confidential information that may be stored on it.
  • Treat school device with the utmost respect. Avoid dropping it, banging it etc. They can break. Use a recognised carry case to transport it.
  • DO NOT leave it unattended where it could be stolen. This includes, but is not limited to, leaving it in your car, even if your car is locked. There is not insurance cover for an opportunist theft, if it is left unattended in your vehicle or theft without evidence of a violent or forcible entry or exit to the premises.

FOR IT only:

The condition of the school device should be noted and compared with the original condition as recorded in the top section of this form. If the condition is considered by Springwell School to be unacceptably poor then replacement costs as detailed above will be brought into force. Any issues should be addressed to the IT Manager or the Head Teacher.