The shared resources are accessible via Teams If you're a participant in a course, you will find an invitation to access the shared resources within your inbox. 

    (If you do not have a pending invitation please contact the person supposed to have shared resources with you)

  • Firstly, log in to your email to accept the invitation to access the resources. (You will have an invite pending upon attending the course) Shown in the diagram below:
    •  (Signing in with a Microsoft Account)

  • (Signing in with a Gmail account)

  • If it is asking for the email, please just type your Google School email and click next.

  • Signing in with a Gmail account introduces an extra step, upon clicking the 'Accept Invitation' button in your email, you will be asked for a confirmation code. Please select 'Send code'.
    • The verification code can take up to 5 minutes to arrive in your Inbox. 
  • Once your verification code has arrived, select it, copy and paste it to the following window and then select 'Sign in' to finish this step, Shown in the example below.

  • Once you have accepted the invitation to access the group or resource. We recommend to open SharePoint or Teams within the web browser, hence please click cancel on the pop up about opening Microsoft Teams and then selecting "Use the web app instead".

  • Teams access- further info:
    • Upon signing in to the web version of Teams, you will be greeted with the Team view.
    • From here you will see the teams you have been invited to participate in as shown in the example below:

  • From within the selected team, you can browse the uploaded documents and updates posted in this group at any time. 

If you require any further assistance, please give us a call on 02380426878.
